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Love Thyself: 7 Tips to Love the Skin You’re In

As the frosts of January begin to loosen their grip and we step into the final month of winter, our attentions turn to love in celebration of those who hold our hearts– from romantic relationships to enduring friendships and everything in between. 

These meaningful, loving connections, of course, can be not only an immense source of joy, but a boost for our health, mood, and overall sense of well-being, studies say. 

And when it comes to well-being, research suggests one type of relationship in particular could be more crucial than any other: the relationship you have with yourself. 

Read on for seven simple, science-backed shifts you can make today to step up your self-love game. 

Love Thyself (It’s Good for Your Health) 

What have you done for you lately? 

Self-love, according to a growing body of research, can be beneficial to our mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as help to lay a foundation for all other relationships in our lives to thrive.1 

While in practice this can look different for everyone, psychologists point to these three things at the root of a healthy self-relationship:

  • Self-compassion

  • Self-acceptance

  • Self-care2

If you’re looking for actionable ways to weave more of these into your daily life and show yourself a little extra TLC, you’ve come to the right place.  

7 Ways to Love the Skin You’re In

1. Celebrate your accomplishments. 

No matter how small! 

Finally mastered that complicated recipe? Amazing! Throw a dinner party. 

Stuck to your goal of limiting screen time this week? Sounds toast-worthy to us!

Scored your biggest deal to date at work this month? Mark the occasion with a night out to see live music with your most supportive friends. 

The message you send to yourself about your achievements matters, even when they seem trivial. And you don’t have to take our word for it; take Harvard's, instead. According to recent reporting from the ivy league university, celebrating small wins can help to boost mood, improve confidence, bolster self-esteem, and cultivate a sense of purpose. 3

So go ahead and have a little lunchtime dance party or opt for the fancy latte in honor of making it through your stressful weekly Tuesday meeting. Just one more reminder that you’re a rockstar.

2. Embrace movement. 

You’re probably quite familiar with the health benefits of regular exercise: weight management, lower risk of numerous diseases, improved mood, reduced stress, boosted energy, better sleep, and even improved sex life, to name a few. 4

But did you know that moving our bodies can also be a meaningful way to cultivate self-love, and amplify the mental and emotional health benefits of exercise? We’re not talking about an approach to exercise that focuses on fixing perceived bodily imperfections. On the contrary: when embraced as a tool to build mental resilience, self-confidence, and self-esteem, movement can contribute to a greater sense of fulfillment and self-satisfaction. 

Consistent practice may even help us to focus less on what we don’t like about our bodies, and prioritize health over fixating on the desire to see a specific number when we step on the scale.5  

A woman in a blue athletic jumpsuit holds a plank position o her yoga mat in the foregrounds, with a man and woman in athletic wear in the background.

3. Focus on what you appreciate about yourself. 

One of the most impactful and immediate shifts we can make toward promoting greater self-acceptance is to shine an intentional spotlight on the things we admire about ourselves. And while this one might seem pretty obvious, that doesn't mean it’s always the easiest. 

Try naming one thing each day that you appreciate about yourself. If this feels challenging, Psychology Today recommends practicing by speaking to yourself kindly in the mirror. Maybe that sounds a bit cheesy, but according to therapists, it can be a powerful way to build self-acceptance and self-compassion. 6       

Another way to hone these strengths is by practicing positive self-talk throughout the day by shifting your inner dialogue to a kinder, gentler tone. Speaking to ourselves in a loving, positive way can lead to better heart health, lower stress, reduced pain, improved vitality, and even better immune health. When you check in with yourself, if you notice negative thought patterns emerging the day, try replacing these with positive affirmations and consciously giving yourself grace. Over time, you may start to experience noticeable benefits and a brighter outlook overall. 7

4. Establish a self-care routine. 

What is self-care? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health.”8 

Your self-care routine can include everything from getting enough sleep and preparing nourishing meals to indulging in a luxurious skincare routine or meditating before bedtime, and can be unique and personalized to you. According to therapists, “Prioritizing self-care fosters a positive self-image and boosts self-confidence. When you take care of yourself, you send a message to yourself that you are worthy of love and care.”9

Whether self-care looks like adding a multivitamin into your health regimen, eating more fruits and vegetables, or simply reducing your weekly screen time, these simple habits can be a high-impact way to add a bit of self-love into your daily life.

A smiling young woman in a white t shirt has her blond hair pulled back in a bun. She is applying face moisturizer as part of her skincare routine.

5. Practice gratitude. 

Even if it’s as simple as making note of one thing you’re grateful for each night before you fall asleep, whether about yourself, your life, or the world around you, practicing gratitude can contribute to improved mental, physical, and emotional health. 

Research shows the benefits of gratitude are so far reaching, in fact, that it can positively impact everything from healthy blood sugar levels and improved relationship to self and others to better self-esteem, empathy, and sleep. 10

What are you grateful for, today?

6. Listen to your body. 

The intricate systems of our bodies, if we know how to listen, are adept at signaling needs, imbalances, and wellness red flags, but these can be easy to dismiss amid the busyness of life’s daily demands.   

Make a point of taking the time to regularly pause and check in with your body. Signals like cravings or unintentional weight changes could be telling you your gut health needs attention, like a daily probiotic supplement. If you’re feeling especially tired, your body may be letting you know that it needs a low-key restful weekend to repair itself and direct energy toward bolstering immune defenses. Sudden breakouts might point to unchecked stress levels and their resulting spikes in cortisol, and changes in lifestyle and nutrition could be called for.  

7. Remember that beauty begins within. 

Both figuratively and literally. 

Who defines beauty in your world? While our culture’s often unrealistic standards can make our impressions of the ideal appearance feel unattainable, it’s all subjective anyway. You ultimately get to decide what’s beautiful, so remind yourself that what makes you irresistibly lovely isn’t just the way the contours of your face look in a selfie. Maybe it’s the undeniable light in your eyes when you smile from a place of genuine, bubbling-over joy, and the breathtaking way you put kindness into action in every considerate thing you do. 

And even when it comes to beauty in its traditional physical sense, it’s more than skin deep. How we nourish our bodies can promote everything from luscious locks and a dewy complexion to fewer breakouts, healthier nails, and a more youthful glow. Explore more ways to naturally support beauty from within here. 

In the words of the renowned mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” 

So, how will you practice self-love today?

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