What are Prebiotics?
By David H. Rahm, M.D., VitaMedica Founder Q: I’ve been taking a probiotic for years but lately I’m hearing more about prebiotics. What’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? And,...
Biotin is a member of the B-complex family of vitamins. If you have dermatitis, dry skin, thinning hair, loss of hair color or brittle nails, you may be short in...
A Granny Smith Apple a Day Keeps Obesity Away
An apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away by reducing the risk of developing cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. But it’s time to add...
The Microbiome: Our Microbial Fingerprint
If you’ve ever seen a Peanuts cartoon, you might remember Charlie Brown’s friend Pig-Pen, a little boy who travels with his own personal dirt cloud everywhere he goes. And while...
Exercise Increases Healthy Gut Bacteria
From lowered cancer risk, clearer, less sensitive skin, to increased weight loss, more and more research praises the benefits of having a wide variety of healthy probiotic bacteria. So if...
Bacterial Strains Linked to Acne
About 85% of all people get acne at some time in their lives, and as the most common skin disorder, it affects 40 to 50 million Americans. Scientists still struggle...
How to Find the Best Probiotic
Diet, travel, stress, illness, aging and the use of antibiotics all contribute to an imbalance or “dysbiosis” of the intestinal tract leading to digestive problems. These problems cause some two...