What are Prebiotics?
By David H. Rahm, M.D., VitaMedica Founder Q: I’ve been taking a probiotic for years but lately I’m hearing more about prebiotics. What’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? And,...
Gaining Weight? Why Gut Microbes May be to Blame
Do you long for foods that aren't good for you? Is your metabolism sluggish? Do you retain body fat and gain weight easily? If you answered yes to any of...
Do You Have a Healthy Microbiome? Here’s How to Find Out!
Yvette La-Garde Well Blog Editor, VitaMedica Are you having a hard time losing weight? Do you suffer from bloating, indigestion or gas? Is your mood more sullen than sunny? If...
Artificial Sweeteners Alter Blood Sugar & Gut Bacteria
Sometimes, you just need something sweet. Whether it’s for your morning coffee, in your diet soda, or for “better-for-you” home-baked goods, who hasn’t tried a sugar-free sweetener in the name...
The Microbiome: Our Microbial Fingerprint
If you’ve ever seen a Peanuts cartoon, you might remember Charlie Brown’s friend Pig-Pen, a little boy who travels with his own personal dirt cloud everywhere he goes. And while...
New Discoveries about the Microbiome
Emerging research is revealing how the microbiome not only affects digestion, but joint, skin, cardiovascular and immune health. Numerous studies also suggest that the health of our microbiome determines whether...
Are Your Gut Bacteria Causing Your Cravings?
It’s happened to the best of us. Suddenly, you’re hit with a craving for chocolate, ice-cream or something good and greasy, and as healthy as you’ve been and want to...