What are Prebiotics?
By David H. Rahm, M.D., VitaMedica Founder Q: I’ve been taking a probiotic for years but lately I’m hearing more about prebiotics. What’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? And,...
A Granny Smith Apple a Day Keeps Obesity Away
An apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away by reducing the risk of developing cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. But it’s time to add...
Low-Fiber Diet Linked to Increased Disease Risk
Did you know that eating more might help reduce your risk of obesity, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome? Eating more fiber, that is! While it’s well known that fiber can,...
Flax Seed
(Linum Usitatissimun) Flax seed is also known as common flax or linseed. Its scientific name Linum usitatissimun means “most useful” and is appropriate based on the wide range of uses...
(Avena sativa) Oats are one of the hardiest cereal grains. Unlike most other crops, this plant is able to withstand poor soil conditions and thrive. The oats we eat today...