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A woman relaxes and enjoys the creative outlet of ceramics in a bright, sunny art studio.

Empower Your Wellness Journey: 6 Ways To Restore Balance & Revitalize Your Life

You deserve to feel your absolute best. To live vibrantly, rest peacefully, and find joy and nourishment in as many of life’s moments as possible. You deserve, without question, to thrive. 

And, if amid packed schedules, constant notification bells, and overly-complicated wellness regimens you sometimes find yourself feeling out of sorts and in need of course-correction on your path to well-being, you’re certainly not alone. 

When daily demands have taken their toll, empower your wellness journey with these six holistic shifts to help you recalibrate, revitalize, and restore balance.   

6 Ways To Empower Your Wellness Journey

1. Add a little color to your diet.

One easy way to make sure your body is getting plenty of the nutrients you need to live a healthy, balanced life? Pile your plate with fruits and veggies in every color of the rainbow. Phytonutrients like flavonoids and carotenoids, the compounds in plants that give them their vivid colors and distinct flavors, can serve to strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of numerous health conditions, and help us live healthier, longer lives.1 

Try this: Eat in color! Aim to eat 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables per day, in an assortment of hue categories, including: red, orange and yellow, green, blue and purple, white and brown.1 If you’re in need of inspo, this Eat the Rainbow Chopped Salad recipe is an excellent place to start.

2. Practice self-compassion.

While many of us may have picked up the habit of self-criticism somewhere along the way, even as a well-intended means to pushing ourselves toward greater achievement, being overly hard on ourselves can have negative impacts on our mental well-being, leading to outcomes like depression and anxiety.2  

In contrast, research shows that when we meet ourselves with compassion during missteps or disappointments, we can enhance our resilience and ability to cope with stressful situations, preventing unnecessary feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Showing ourselves kindness in lieu of criticism is strongly associated with psychological well-being, having been scientifically linked to increased feelings of happiness, optimism, curiosity, and connectedness, and lower levels of fear, depression, and stress. 3, 4 

Try this: According to Stanford Medicine, we can help ourselves develop greater self-compassion by reframing negative self-talk. Tune in to your inner monologue, monitor any self-critical words that arise, and write them down. Then ask yourself, would you say this to a friend? Work on replacing these harsh thoughts with kind, compassionate sentiments. You can also help build the habit of self-compassion by selecting a “self-compassion mantra”, a supportive, positive phrase to repeat to yourself throughout the day.5    

3. Listen to your gut.

Or, rather, your gut microbiome: the vast ecosystem of microscopic organisms in the digestive tract that’s integral to the healthy functioning of every system in our bodies. From immune defenses to healthy skin, mood, and energy levels, a balanced, nourished gut microbiome can greatly impact our well-being.6 When an imbalance in beneficial gut bacteria throws our gut health off kilter, our bodies can sound the alarm by raising red flags such as:

  • Low energy and mood
  • Poor digestion
  • Skin issues
  • Unintended weight changes
  • Brain fog, headaches, and migraines
  • Compromised immunity

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, your gut health could be in need of attention.

Try this: Help promote optimal gut health with a daily probiotic like Daily Balance Probiotic-8, a broad-spectrum, probiotic and prebiotic supplement formulated to support optimal gut health. Or, opt for Balance Bites probiotic gummies for an easy, delicious way to promote a healthy microbiome.

4. Take a digital hiatus.

Many of us are keyed into our devices and their myriad apps and tasks from the moment we open our eyes to the instant we close them at night. While it’s largely beneficial that technology has evolved to help us stay connected across distances and even drive greater productivity, allowing it to hold court over our daily experiences can present some downfalls when it comes to well-being. 

The overstimulation of constant screen time, repeated email checking, and sometimes negative impacts of social media can contribute to high stress levels, feelings of isolation, irritability, interrupted sleep, and impaired concentration.7 

Try this: Fully unplug from all technology and electronic devices, even if it’s only for one day. In addition to having more time on your hands to devote to people and activities that fill your cup, you may notice lower stress, better sleep and energy, improved focus, and more quality social interactions.7

5. Simplify your wellness routine.

The best wellness regimen? One that works for you. Healthy practices can only make a meaningful impact in our lives when we are consistent with them. In order to be effective and provide real support, your wellness routine needs to fit realistically into your daily life. If an overwhelming number of supplement bottles and a complicated, unsustainable approach to wellness are beginning to add to your stress instead of enhancing your health, it’s time to take a step back. 

Instead, focus on eating a whole, balanced diet and supplementing with essential wellness support to ensure you’re receiving enough of essential vitamins, minerals, and immunity-promoting antioxidants.

Try this: Keep it simple with a convenient, high-quality daily multivitamin like our Day & Night  Multi, formulated with the vital nutrients you need to stay energized and focused during the day and clock plenty of deep, restorative shuteye at night. Plus, it’s designed to provide optimal support by delivering the right nutrients at the best time of day, without the guesswork of juggling a whole roster of dietary supplements.8    

6. Have more fun!

Simply put: do more of what you love. If the idea of prioritizing fun in your life sounds frivolous or self-indulgent, stick with us– experts say otherwise. In a recent interview with CNN, psychologist and behavioral scientist Mike Rucker explained, “Fun isn’t “extra,” it’s a radical act of self-care.” When we engage in hobbies and activities simply because they bring us joy, we can also reap the benefits of boosted health and happiness.9  Research tells us fun can help our lives feel more worthwhile and meaningful.10  

A 2013 study published in the European Journal of Humour Research demonstrated strong links between the degree of playfulness in the lives of adults and their life satisfaction, physical well-being, activity levels, and even physical fitness. Fun, says Rucker, is “available to anyone at almost any time, [and] offers a direct neurological route to improving our well-being.”9,11  

Try this: Rucker suggests being intentional about fun by blocking out time for it on your calendar. Track how you are spending your time for one week, see where you might be able to carve out dedicated increments for enjoyable activities, and be deliberate about keeping them on your schedule. Sign up for that art class you’ve been putting on the back-burner, or finally join the volleyball team your friends keep talking about, and let yourself simply have a good time for fun’s sake. Another benefit you might see? A noticeable boost in creativity and innovation.9

However you choose to support yourself on your wellness journey, here’s to finding what works best for you, and being intentional about reserving the time to enjoy it. 

Looking for the easiest way to transform your wellness routine? Streamline your daily regimen with our convenient, comprehensive Wellness Starter Kits to support overall well-being, vitality, immunity, and gut health. Plus, for a limited time, receive a free sample of Beauty Bites biotin and collagen gummies to promote healthier hair, glowing skin, and stronger nails.

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