Treat Yourself: Women's Self-Care Essentials
Self-care isn't selfish, it's critical to our health and wellbeing. Celebrate Women's Health Month with our top self-care tips for women.
Peaceful, Easy Eating: How Whole Nutrition Can Combat Stress
Diet and stress are closely linked. Learn which foods can help with stress relief, and which foods could spell trouble for your mood.
Soup’s On: A Healthy Start to a New Year
After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, many of us are feeling tightness not only in our waistband but in our budget as well. The solution? If you’ve...
Anti-Aging Nutrition - What You Need to Know (INFOGRAPHIC)
Professional skin care products, treatments and nutritional supplements can help slow down the aging process. But what you EAT is just as important! Eat these foods to build, hydrate and...
Nutrition Education in Medical Schools is Inadequate
The amount of nutrition education that medical students receive is adequate, according to a study published in the journal Academic Medicine. In 1985, the National Academy of Sciences issued...