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A blond woman in a green shirt takes her daily supplements.

Top 5 Supplements to Start Taking Now

A healthy lifestyle is key to overall well-being, but even with a balanced diet and regular exercise, sometimes our bodies need a little extra support in the quest for optimal wellness. 

In addition to striving for sufficient sleep, hydration, and nutrition, incorporating supplements into your healthy-living protocol can help keep us feeling our finest by supporting everything from energy and physical performance to immunity, sleep quality, nutrient intake, and even our hair, skin and nails.  

If you’re looking for a beauty and wellness boost, consider adding one of these easy to take, physician-formulated supplements to your daily routine. 

Top 5 Supplements to Start Taking Now

1. Collagen Peptides

What is collagen? Collagen is a critical structural protein that is vital to the health of hair, skin nails, muscles, and connective tissues like bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Like many nutrients, collagen production begins to decline in our 20s, which can mean depletion as we age. This can lead to visible signs of aging like wrinkles and crepey skin, brittle hair and nails, limited mobility due to joint pain and stiffness, and even digestive challenges. 

Benefits: No matter your age, adding collagen peptides into your wellness routine can help to replenish your vital collagen stores and support beauty and wellness from within. Studies have shown that collagen can help to diminish signs of aging like fine lines and promote skin hydration and elasticity, as well as supporting joint and bone health, muscle mass, hair and nail health and growth, and a healthy gut.  

When selecting a collagen supplement, hydrolyzed collagen peptides are ideal for maximum bioavailability and optimal absorption. 

Why you'll love it: Our amino acid-packed, hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Powder is flavorless, dissolves quickly, and mixes easily into your favorite coffee, smoothie, or meal.

2. A Quality Multivitamin

What is a multivitamin? Formulated with essential vitamins and minerals critical to maintaining healthy bodily systems, a multivitamin is a dietary supplement that can come in  the form of a capsule, tablet, powder, or even liquid. Because it can be difficult to get everything we need from the food we eat alone, multivitamins can be helpful for bridging nutritional gaps and helping to address or avoid nutrient deficiencies.

Benefits: The comprehensive nutritional support provided by a multi will help to support overall wellness. Tailored formulas are available, like those made specially for men or certain age groups, to help support specific health needs and challenges. 

A quality multivitamin will be formulated with a broad spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, without additives, and will be transparently manufactured and tested. 

Why you'll love it: Our Day & Night Multivitamin provides boosted energy during the day and supports restful, relaxing evenings by delivering the right nutrients at optimal times of day. While “one-a-day” options may sound appealing, Day & Night is conveniently pre-packaged for AM & PM, with chronotherapy formulas specially designed for maximum bioavailability from sun-up to lights out.

3. A Probiotic

What are probiotics? Probiotics are species of gut-friendly bacteria or “microbes” that help to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria (the gut microbiome) in the gut.

Benefits: If you struggle with bloating, digestive upset or regularity, probiotics have been shown to help ease these symptoms by supporting digestive and gut microbiome balance. Probiotics have also demonstrated the ability to promote immune health and support clear, healthy skin. 

Why you'll love it: Daily Balance Probiotic-8 is a premium synbiotic, meaning it contains both eight species of beneficial probiotics and prebiotic FOS, which helps to nourish gut bacteria and support a thriving microbial ecosystem. This means even more digestive, skin, and immune health benefits than probiotics alone, with 16 Billion live cultures in every serving. 

4. A Powerful Antioxidant

What are antioxidants? Antioxidants help to protect our bodies from oxidative stress and damaging free radicals which can lead to aging and illness over time. Environmental factors like pollution, lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, UV radiation, and diet can all contribute to oxidative stress. Potent, plant-powered antioxidants like Bromelain and Quercetin naturally support wellness with numerous multi-action benefits.

Benefits: Bromelain, a therapeutic enzyme found in the stems of pineapples, and Quercetin, an antioxidant bioflavonoid found in fruits, vegetables, and flowers, offer a myriad of health benefits. This powerhouse duo has been shown to promote immunity and wound healing, reduce bruising, balance the inflammatory response, ease joint pain, and support digestive health. These broad array of benefits make it an excellent addition to daily supplement regimens and during periods of surgical and athletic recovery. 

Why you'll love it: Allergy sufferers, rejoice! In addition to offering seemingly endless immune and recovery benefits, Bromelain with Quercetin has also been shown to help support symptoms of seasonal allergies like nasal congestion and promote respiratory health. 

5. A Healthy Skin Nutraceutical

What is a skin nutraceutical? Nutraceuticals combine nutrition and pharmaceutical properties to provide health and wellness benefits beyond meeting basic nutritional needs. A skin health nutraceutical is a type of dietary supplement or functional food that is designed to promote skin health from the inside out.

Benefits: You may have heard that acne can be a result of eating things like greasy food and sweet. There is some truth to this: If you suffer from acne or problem skin, nutrition is a critical element to clearing things up. Like any organ in the human body, skin needs certain nutrients to thrive. Certain skin-support vitamins, minerals, and botanicals can help to nourish skin from within to reveal a clear complexion without complicated routines or harsh, irritating chemicals.  

Why you'll love it: Clear Skin Formula features key skin-clearing ingredients like beta-carotenes, zinc, chromium, and a proprietary blend of botanicals to target the root causes of acne, from hormonal imbalances to metabolism.

Plus, in a recent clinical study, 100% of Clear Skin Formula users saw improved acne after 12 weeks, without side effects. It’s suitable for teen or adult acne, men and women, any skin type, and recommended for ages 12 and up. 

Consistency is Key 

When it comes to any supplement regimen, the results you experience depend directly on how consistent you are with your routine. Because every individual’s nutritional deeds are unique, the time it takes to experience noticeable results can vary. 

Some results may be immediately noticeable, while others can take up to 30 or 90 days of continued use. Be sure to always take supplements as directed on each product’s label, and do your best to be patient while your body works to utilize the added nourishment. 

We’d love to know– which of the Top 5 Supplements to Start Taking Now will you be adding to your routine, and why? Explore below to get started today. 

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