7 Ways To Manage GERD Without Drugs
One in ten Americans gets heartburn every day, and 44% have symptoms at least once a month. But while there is no shortage of drugs on the market specifically targeting...
Spring Health Tips: When is the Best Time for Weight Loss?
When we want to lose weight, it seems we always put it off until later, making it more and more difficult to shed those unwanted pounds. And though the simple...
Smoking for Weight Loss? Do This Instead
It’s been decades since we learned that smoking can kill you, but why is it that people – especially young people – continue to smoke? One surprising reason is to...
Do this One Simple Thing to Lose Weight
Are you tired of counting calories or measuring food in your quest to lose weight? Do you feel confused about what foods to avoid and which macronutrients to eat? Do...
Does Cleansing Work for Weight Loss?
In case you haven’t noticed, dieting is out and cleansing, detoxing, juicing and even “souping” is in. This interest is fueled by a movement away from eating highly processed and...
Want a Smaller Waist? Eat More of This Food
Cool, creamy, and just a little bit tart – yogurt almost feels like an indulgent treat. Top it with a bit of fruit, maybe some almonds, and it’s like having...
The Fiber 4-1-1: What It Does, Why You Should Eat It & How to Get More in Your Diet
A good diet starts with including foods that are rich in nutrients, vitamins and fiber. Women should be consuming about 25 grams of fiber per day and men should be...
Recipe: Chocolate Superfood Smoothie
Do the words "chocolate" and "spinach" sound like two you'd rather not mix? Not anymore. This quick and easy superfood smoothie will satisfy your chocolate fix, deliver a heaping helping...
5 Ways Protein Helps You Lose Weight & Keep it Off
Successfully losing weight means that you’re going to need to cut back on calories. But, in doing so, the challenge is to keep hunger pangs at bay. This is where...
Diet vs. Exercise? Which is Better for Weight Loss?
Yvette La-Garde Director of Education, VitaMedica It was hard not to miss the barrage of articles this past week including one in the New York Times critiquing Coca-Cola’s solution to...
Weight Training Best for Keeping Weight Off
When we hear the term “weight training,” many of us still think of big, bulky body builders flexing muscles we didn’t even know could grow so big. But it’s time...
What's New In Weight Loss
The topic of weight loss is never more popular than at the beginning of the year. Between overindulgent holidays and New Year’s resolutions or mission statements, it seems everybody is...