Think This Way to Be Healthier and Live Longer
They say you can do anything with the right attitude, but what if we told you that includes improving your cardiovascular health and increasing your longevity? That’s what a new...
3 Ways to Heart Health: Beans, Weight Loss & Exercise
Beans, beans, the miracle food, the more you eat, the lower your cholesterol and risk of heart attack? According to recent research, yes! Coupled with a little weight loss and...
Low-Fiber Diet Linked to Increased Disease Risk
Did you know that eating more might help reduce your risk of obesity, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome? Eating more fiber, that is! While it’s well known that fiber can,...
Will Intermittent Fasting Help Me Lose 15 Pounds & Keep it Off?
By David H. Rahm, M.D. Q: Over the past 20 years I’ve gained 15 pounds and I’d like to lose it. I’ve heard that the Fast Diet is not only...
A Vegetarian Diet May Help You Live Longer
Though the fountain of youth may be a myth, research is revealing the link between what we consume and the quality and length of our lives. It’s pretty simple –...
Want to Live Longer? Live Near Trees
In January, with the landscape barren, it’s hard to imagine that living near a tree-lined street can have a positive impact on your health. But, in a new study by...
11 Health Benefits of Having Pets
They love us unconditionally, listen without having to put in their two cents, and are always happy to see us. Our pets are our best friends, and they give us...
Red Meat Linked to Shorter Lifespan
It’s not uncommon for many Americans to consume at least one serving of red meat each day. However, it may be time to rethink this practice, as a new study...
A Healthy Heart in Your 60s & Beyond
This February, in observance of American Heart Month and Go Red Day, we provide information on how you can maintain a vital cardiovascular system throughout your 60s and beyond. ...
A Healthy Heart in Your 50s
This February, in observance of American Heart Month and Go Red Day, we provide information on how you can maintain a vital cardiovascular system throughout your 50s and beyond. In...
A Healthy Heart in Your 40s
This February, in observance of American Heart Month and Go Red Day, we provide information on how you can maintain a vital cardiovascular system throughout your 40s and beyond. As...
A Healthy Heart in Your 30s
This February, in observance of American Heart Month and Go Red Day, we provide information on how you can maintain a vital cardiovascular system throughout your 30s and beyond. By...