A Fabulous Fall Face: Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips
Fall is here, and the change in seasons means changes in your skin that can expose signs of aging. While we can’t stop the clock, we can minimize its impact...
4 Summer Sun Protection Tips
Updated July 2017 – Your skin’s number one enemy is the sun. It’s well established that ultraviolet rays from the sun (UVA & UVB) play a role in photoaging, which...
Nutritional Supplements and Breast Cancer
This month, we feature a series of articles on breast cancer to observe National Breast Cancer Awareness month. This article reviews the role nutritional supplements play in breast cancer prevention...
Why We Love Lutein For UV Protection (And You Should Too)
Be honest. Do you apply sunscreen every day to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays? As you head out to the beach, lake or pool this summer, will...
Sesame Seeds
(Sesamun indicum) The sesame seed plant is considered an herb. This annual herb grows to be about two to four-feet high. The white to lavender-pink flowers mature into pods that...
Health Benefits of Coffee
With September 29th marked as National Coffee Day, look for national chains and local coffee houses offering free or discounted cups of coffee. In celebration of this day, now is...
3 Ways Nutraceuticals Support Healthy-Looking Skin
The American Academy of Dermatology has designated November as National Healthy Skin Month. What better way to celebrate this health observance than by learning more about what nutrients to take...
Sweet Potatoes
(Ipomoea batatas) Sweet potatoes are members of the morning glory family. The name is misleading because sweet potatoes are not related to potatoes. Sweet potatoes are engorged storage roots whereas...
Supplements Support Healthy Skin in Three Ways
Like other organs in the body, the health of the skin is dependent on optimal “care and feeding”. So, it makes sense that how well we take care of ourselves...
Oral Intake of Antioxidants Protects Against Aging
According to a 2007 HealthFocus Trends Report, most consumers are aware of antioxidants and associate them with positive health benefits such as cancer prevention (63%); improved immunity (47%); improved heart...