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Zucchini & Tomato Soup

Zucchini & Tomato Soup

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About 6-8 Servings


6 small zucchini (1 pound, 2 ounces) trimmed

2 tsp salt

1 large onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 red pepper

Olive oil

32 Fl. oz chicken broth

2 large tomatoes, coarsely chopped

½ tsp sugar

½ tsp oregano

½ tsp basil

2 tsp lemon juice

¼ tsp nutmeg

Salt & pepper to taste

¼ cup parsley leaves, chopped

1 Tbsp dried or fresh chives, chopped


Slice zucchini, place in a colander, mix with salt & let drain 20 minutes. Wash off salt and dry zucchini with paper towel.

Mince onion, garlic and red pepper. Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a pot and cook zucchini, onion, garlic and red pepper over low heat for approximately 10 minutes.

Add broth, cover and simmer 20 minutes. Transfer to food processor or blender and puree. Return pureed mixture to cooking pot.

Add tomato, sugar, oregano, basil, lemon juice, nutmeg, salt & pepper and cook soup for 5 minutes. If soup is too thick, thin it with additional broth.

Serve it hot or cold, garnished with reserved parsley and chives.

Cooking Tips:

  • This is the perfect soup to make during the summer – especially if you have a late summer garden loaded with zucchinis and tomatoes.

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